Landfill facility of 60.8 hectares in size which was licensed by the EPA on 26th July 2004. It has accepted waste since December 2005 at a rate of 100,000 tonnes per annum for disposal and up to 27,320 tonnes of engineering materials per annum for recovery purposes. To date approximately 820,000 tonnes of waste has been placed into 7 of the 9 constructed cells. Cell 1 and a portion of Cell 2 has been permanently capped. The majority of Cells 2 to 7 have been capped with a temporary impermeable membrane while Cells 8 & 9 have been constructed but have not accepted waste.
TOBIN provided Civil and Structural Engineering Consulting Services to Galway County Council on the East Galway Landfill Site. Services provided included:
- Waste Licence Application
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Landfill Gas Modelling
- Detailed Design of all remediation and new development infrastructure and preparation of Specified Engineering Works Reports
- Liaison with the EPA
- Construction Quality Assurance Supervision and Reporting
- Filling Plans and Gas Management Plans
- Environmental Liability Risk Assessments and calculation of Financial Provision
- Quantity Surveying Services
- PSDP Services
- Hydrogeology (Groundwater Pumping Station)
- Procurement of Public Works Contracts
- Use of Bentonite Enhanced Soil on site
- Design of headwalls, leachate tanks and lagoons
- Environmental Monitoring
- Employer’s Representative for Works Contracts (Specialist Skill)
- Landfill Remediation (Geotechnical Specialist Skill)
- Instrumentation and Control SCADA Systems (M&E Specialist Skill)
In addition to these services, TOBIN provided Mechanical & Electrical consultancy services to include for the provision of leachate pumps, a gas monitoring site, pumping plant, SCADA systems and M&E for buildings.
The services provided by TOBIN for this project covered a broad range of Civil and Environmental Engineering issues on a licensed landfill site. Because of the broad range of services we have already delivered in design, engineering and licensing issues at East Galway Landfill site, it is likely that we are in the best position to address the brief and any issues that might arise at East Galway Landfill.
Through the East Galway Landfill Project, we have gained experience in the identification and evaluation of environmental liabilities and for developing solutions to reduce the risk to the environment.