• irish rail edermine
    November 21, 2019

    Iarnród Éireann’s (IÉ) existing Train Radio system, which provides for safety critical communications between the train drivers and controlling signalmen for train management and regulation, is technologically obsolete and life expired. A programme i …

  • Roscommon Drainage
    October 24, 2019

    Roscommon Town (IEAG_402) is listed under the EU Pilot Case 4058.12 ENVI and Infringement No. 2013/2056 dated 27th September 2013. It was proposed to upgrade the existing sewer network and WWTP. The proposed development would constitute upgrade works …

  • November 18, 2016

    TOBIN were an integral part of the Project Team which successfully steered the North-South 400kV Interconnection Development Project through the Strategic Infrastructure Development Process. The overall interconnection project is a 400-kilovolt overh …

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