TOBIN’s Water & Utilities Division has a long-established track record in delivering major Wastewater Collection and Treatment Schemes; most notably in Drogheda, Dundalk, Leixlip and Westport. More recently, we have been instrumental in the Planning, Environmental Impact and Design stages of the Greater Dublin Drainage Scheme.

Our wastewater project portfolio includes a large number of projects for public utilities (Irish Water and Local Authorities) and projects for private clients.

Featured Project Examples

Stoneyford Wastewater Treatment Plant

TOBIN carried out Designer Services for Stoneyford Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade including flood risk assessment and relocation of infrastructure and M&E equipment above flood level.

The existing wastewater treatment works and mechanical and electrical plant at Stoneyford in Co. Kilkenny was located in a flood risk zone.

Claregalway Wastewater Treatment Plant

TOBIN were appointed to prepare the detailed design and contract documents for the construction of a collection system and wastewater treatment facility for the village of Claregalway and for the procurement of an operations contractor to operate and maintain the works for a period of twenty years.

Moycullen Sewerage & Sewage Disposal Scheme

Given the increase in population in Moycullen in recent years, TOBIN Consulting Engineers provided engineering consultancy services, associated with the Moycullen Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Scheme, which involved the upgrading of the existing sewers and the construction of an upgraded wastewater treatment plant and constructed wetlands.

The new treatment plant can cater for populations of up to 4,000 persons over two distinct streams.

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