
TOBIN were appointed in 2005, by Longford County Council to prepare a Strategic Review Report of the Longford Central Water Supply Scheme. This scheme covers the areas of Longford Town, and outlying districts, including the settlement centres of Edgeworthstown, Drumlish and Newtownforbes..  Water is abstracted and treated at the Lough Forbes Water Treatment Plant on the River Shannon and is pumped to a service reservoir in Prucklish which separately feed reservoirs in Glack, Ballymakeegan, Ballymacormack, Glannagh, Lissnannagh and Bracklon.

Contract 3 comprised of an additional treated water storage at Prucklish Reservoir and Lisnannagh, as well as network improvements across the supply area and a new treated water rising main from Lough Forbes Water Treatment Plant to Prucklish Reservoir.

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