Coran KellyTechnical Director - Environment & Planning

    Coran leads and manages a talented team of geologists and hydrogeologists within a diverse Environment and Planning division.

    He has an extensive track record in groundwater resources characterisation and mapping, and groundwater protection in Ireland. He has worked with Geological Survey Ireland, Uisce Éireann, Environmental Protection Agency, the National Federation of Group Water Schemes, and the Local Authority Services National Training Group.

    Coran has a strong technical background with over 20 years professional hydrogeological experience. Coran is a professional member of the Institute of Geologists of Ireland, a member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group) and sits on the Groundwater Technical Advisory Committee for the Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences. He has prepared and tutored prescribed courses in waste water management, karst and groundwater source protection, has lead IAH field trips and is a regular contributor at workshops, technical meetings and conferences.

    Coran’s main interests outside of work include current affairs and sport.

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