Brian GallagherTechnical Director - CDBW

    Brian Gallagher holds the position of Technical Director in TOBIN’s Civil I Design Build I Water (CDBW) Division. Brian has extensive experience in the planning, detailed design and project management of civil engineering projects, mainly in the amenity, recreational, civil engineering and water services sectors. Brian holds a primary degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Engineering Science, both from NUI Galway. He recently secured two new professional titles and has been transferred to the Fellowship of Engineers Ireland (CEng FIEI) and has also been approved by the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI) as an ACEI Fellow Professional Consulting Engineer (FConsEI)

    Travel is a big part of Brian’s life outside of work and he likes to experience new places and cultures. He also likes to keep fit through running.

    • BE Civil Engineering
    • M.Eng.Sc
    • Diploma in Management

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    Jeremy D. Pelczer