TOBIN was appointed to secure planning permission for the Trascan Solar Farm. The proposed development consists of a 60-megawatt (MW) solar farm comprising of photovoltaic panels on ground-mounted frames and a 110 kiloVolt (kV) substation. During pre-planning scoping and environmental assessment of the project, consultation activities took place with a number of parties to inform the preparation of statutory planning documents and supporting environmental and engineering reports. Stakeholder consultation with An Bord Pleanála confirmed that the associated transmission infrastructure is considered Strategic Infrastructure Development A Screening for Appropriate Assessment and Natura Impact Statement were completed by TOBIN. This included ecological site surveys which were completed across the site. The source receptor-pathway model revealed five qualifying interest species of the River Barrow and Nore SAC that, in lieu of mitigation, are at risk of potential adverse effects from the proposed development.
Mitigation measures during the design, construction and operational phases of the proposed development were proposed and assessed under Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive. Following mitigation, it was determined that there will be no risk of adverse effects on the qualifying interest habitats and species, or on overall site integrity, nor in the attainment of their specific conservation objectives for the River Barrow and River Nore SAC.