
Client:  Elgin Energy Services Ltd.

Key Facts:

Goresbridge Solar Farm consists of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels laid out in arrays across two fields (approximately 11.34ha). The development will help the country meet its 40% renewable energy targets by harnessing the sun’s energy. TOBIN was appointed to determine the optimum location and design of the proposed development.

Planning permission was granted for the 4MW Goresbridge Solar Farm, Kilkenny in 2016. TOBIN managed the planning and environmental assessments for the application, including ecological, landscape, hydrogeological and traffic assessments.

One Planet Principles:

Sustainable Transport, Sustainable Materials, Land Use and Wildlife, Culture and Heritage, Equity and Local Economy, Zero Waste.

Sustainable Transport

Construction Traffic will be temporary and managed within a very short timeframe (12-16weeks) to reduce impact on the local community. Operational traffic will be limited to one vehicle per month for operational management purposes. The entrance arrangements at the solar farm have been designed to ensure that the safety sightline distances are met and that materials from site will not be transferred to the public road. In addition, permeable gravel material will be used for the access road to the main site and the internal access roads, to ensure that there is no long-term, permanent impact on the existing greenfield site.

Sustainable Materials

All materials used for the solar farm will be sourced from reputable sources and will be removed from site on cessation of operations. The site will be restored to a greenfield site once more when the solar farm planning permission expires.

Land Use and Wildlife

All hedgerows will be preserved and fencing will be erected between the hedgerows and the activity area as a further protective measure. In addition, less than 3% of the activity area will be directly disturbed by the development as the solar panels will be placed on ground mounted, piled frames and removed when the solar farm is no longer operational. Grassland will be maintained for agricultural practices during the operation of the solar farm.


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