In News

TOBIN were pleased to attend the recent opening of the safe routes to school scheme for Scoil Iognaid and Raleigh Row in Galway. This fantastic initiative, developed by the National Transport Authority and Green Schools Project, aims to address the safety and sustainability issues related to the commute to school.

Jessica Lima, from our Roads and Transport Division, was delighted to attend the opening alongside James Farrell, Colm O’Riordan and Michael Lally from Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe / Galway City Council, Darragh Geary and Kevin Madden from John Madden & Sons Ltd, Eamon Ryan Minister for
Environment, Climate, Communications and Transport and Laura Gaffney from Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe / Galway City Council.

The initiative will provide safer infrastructure, enabling pupils and families to walk, cycle, and scoot to school every day. This will greatly benefit the community and promote sustainable transport options.

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